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Qutting your job....

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jridgeback | 18:07 Thu 17th Mar 2005 | Jobs & Education
4 Answers
What is the best way to tell your boss you are quitting. The reason I ask is because I work for a very small company with only 4 members of staff and get on very well with my boss, so a letter of resignation would be too impersonal. I am not leaving for a better job - I just don't want to work anymore. So how is the best way to approach the subject ?


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If it were me then I'd tell them how much I've enjoyed working for them and how nice the staff are.  But I'd explain how I want to not work and how you'd want to enjoy the rest of your time.  You could ask to work part-time or something.

After you've explained the above you'd have to hand a letter of resignation as this is confirms your wishes.

Good Luck :o)

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I think it would be more tactful to tell your boss first, and then take them all to lunch.  But the lunch idea is a nice touch.
Agree with HGrove. Also, if you want to earn real brownie points and end up with a load of respect, offer to hang on a little longer than your contractual notice eg if you are obliged to give 2 months, offer to give three, to enable a replacement to be found.

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