Crosswords21 mins ago
Disclaimer: All Answers found here should not be taken in the stead of legal advice from a solicitor.Please refrain from being rude, abusive or judgemental - members come here for advice, not judgement! Members who offer only moral judgement will be suspended.
dear legal beagles i have a consent order in place with my ex wife which says she gets a part of the proceeds from the sale of our house ( its registered only in my name). we are already divorced. she...
what are pub laws
A friend of mine (really) has been living with her partner for 15 years. When she became pregnant with their eldest daughter the partners mother put up ?10,000 in order for him to purchase a house. My...
I was in a minor car accident a few weeks ago. It was my fault i hit the car in front of me and left a 3 inch scratch on his bumper. We didnt know what to do so we called the police and he said that...
is there a list or any other way i can find out people who have died and not left a will
My parents are pensioners,and live next door to a nasty bunch of people (a family of six), and these people have encroached two feet over the boundry line of my parent's back garden. These people seem...
Is it possible to put a second charge on a property without the homeowners knowledge? I am refinancing my house & have discovered a second charge that the vendor put on when I first baught the house...
i want to know the break entitlements in the work place
If you send issue claim papers (N1), does it HAVE to be logged with the courts?
I sometimes send them as a final demand.
Is this legal?
A company over pays an employee in their last week of employment. The last check was mailed to the terminated employees address. By accident the company mail four extra checks. How can the company get...
outline the manner of the divisions of the LAW. Which areas of the law to the various divisions deal with? study material
We live mid terrace in an older style street. Our garden has a path running up one edge which is equally shared between us and our neighbour. It goes nowhere but to the back wall of the gardens so...
ive had my hallway & toilet floorboards replaced do that mean the rest of the house is ok
My partner wants his name taken off our house deeds, although we have a mortgage together he has not contributed, and is now leaving, and wants his name taken off the deeds, he does not want anything...
my neighbour has taken me to court for the use of the land my ex neighbour used i won the case but he appealed and won it was orded for a retrial what are my chances of winning the case again ???
I work in a supermarket which closes at midnight during the week at 10:00 p.m Saturday . We have had the radio on during the hours of closure and now we have been told that it has got to stop. I would...
I have asked to be informed of the executor dealing with a will I may have some claim on but as I cannot provide written evidence I am unable to find out the executors of the estate. Have I the right...
Some friends of mine have recently bought a house nearby and strangely enough on the very day that the contract was completed the former owner of the house had a massive heart attack and died. Now the...
what forms do I need to set aside a statutory demand
I have been fighting (through solicitors) for over 12 months now with my ex partner regarding him trying to register a charge on my property. He sold me this property 2 years ago and I have it in...