Leachey, I am going through something on these lines with an evil bitch In a job I really loved doing, these evil piece sht has alleged that I had done something that the rest of the community house staff said on a regular basis regards one female client, I let a lot of things go over my head I'm not touchy neither am I a person that's takes offence over my birthplace???? what this evil piece of human sht has come out beggars belief to the people that know me, I have now the Union involved in my case & I will sue this fnkg bitch for what she has said about me, if this person has caused you undue stress with what the person has said, sue the basd, I do not go in for this bull sht of suing company's or anyone for some stupid Insurance company's ego's but I am a person that will in any way or form not have my character or name decimated by anyone, the best of luck with the avenue that you take as there are a lot of basds out there that try to decimate people & get away with it. x