the moral of this story incident, (which has so many twists and turns) is , regarding the "hire car and drive assist" , is that over three months ago , you should have consulted a SOLICITOR" regarding the DRIVE ASSIST HIRE CAR, just to see if , you could be made liable at any point in the future ti have to pay for all or some of the DRIVE ASSIST CAR HIRE ,...... not forgetting that it is hinted that you may not have been covered insurance wise to drive the HIRE VEHICLE (ALARM BELLS !!!!) , and of course a SOLICITOR may have been able to advise you from the start of this , trilogy of an INSURANCE . dont always think , "that everything is taken care for, a motorist, even if you are fully comp.......... too many if buts and maybe on this "TRILOGY OF AN INSURANCE CLAIM" , coupled up ith the DRIVE ASSIST , hire vehicl scenario ......