Is this discrimination towards a part time worker. in The AnswerBank: Civil
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Is this discrimination towards a part time worker.

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hotlips11 | 15:44 Sat 29th May 2010 | Civil
24 Answers
Would this be classed as discrimination? A residential home with full and part time staff. When rota is done, full timers get their set hours first. Bank staff who I'm told aren't really Bank but who have set hours. Part time fill in the slots ( all the crap in other words) Any advice please.
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I would think it could be argued that the full timers know the residents better and are therefore able to give better care. So, no.
Question Author
What a load of crap. . When you've worked in the place for 10+ years and you're English?? The majority of staff are foreign....
You asked for advice. Your comments are at the very least racist.
There has been a very similar question to this before in recent weeks. FT staff have their FT rotas, part-time staff should have shifts per week as per their contract hours, then any gaps get filled in with bank staff. If you are part-time and your contract says say 16 hours per week, that's the hours you should be rota'd. Could I suggest that you contact ACAS? they are free and very helpful in offering impartial advice about employment situations. Have a look at this site http://www.acas.org.u...x.aspx?articleid=1410
How is that racist?
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Actually it's not being racist. These people are very greedy taking all the shifts, many have two jobs, come from one job to a night shift with clients who are confused etc then get caught asleep because they're so tired. Now tell me that's right.
It implies that the poster thinks that the English staff, no matter what 'rank' should get the better jobs. Now that is discrimination.
If the management caught workers asleep when they should be on duty why weren't they sacked?
where does the poster say that English staff should get the better jobs?
Have you posted this Q before? or something very similar.
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Thank you ummmm. If you're not getting your contracted hours and these other people are then I think it is discriminating towards part timers.
where does the poster say that English staff should get the better jobs or imply that ?
I think this is the same post as before, count, the gripe was that shifts were unequally distributed and that the (foreign) bank staff were cherry-picking (or being unfairly allocated good hours, despite working elsewhere too). This doesn't sound right if so, whatever their ethnicity, bank staff are supposed to fill gaps which can't be filled by the permanent staff, not to have regular shifts with the PT staff only filling in. I do agree with you though, if hotlips seeks advice then it should be on the the basis of the unfair allocation of shifts, not mentioning the fact that the bank staff are foreign nationals.
second answer. Quite clear to me. Why mention nationality at all?
Thanks boxtop. I was begining to think some people were reading a different post to me.
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Posted something similar a while back. Management turn a blind eye. It's been going on for years the night staff sleeping. I shall contact ACAS and see what they have to say.
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The main gripe is the unfair allocation of shifts. Has been taken up with the management and what she says goes. Full time staff, Bank staff then part time.
Better jobs or fairer hours?
Are you still getting the number of hours it says in your contract though, hotlips? If you are on a 24-hour rota then you may not have anything to complain about (although I understand your annoyance). Is there no chance of moving to another home, if this keeps up?
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It's the hours contracted for and not always afternoon shift. Thinking about caring in community. Won't go to another home. Agency near me is recruiting locally and Have couple of friends who do this. Money's better too. I've applied to do this yesterday.

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