If I die without leaving a will, I have my own house, probably worth about 200,000 and have four children (all grown up) - then what is the procedure with no will.
If I do make a will, can I leave the house jointly to my four children, so that they can continue to live in it until the youngest child reaches 18/21 ?
No will - divided equally between all four, but one or more mat force a sale of the property.
Make a will and leave the house in trust to be divided equally once the son reaches the stipulated age.
Sorry barron I wasn't to know that, what with the talking of wills etc. But yes even at your age its something to be considered. What Mike sugested seems sensible to me but perhaps see someone from the C A B for proffetional advice.
The point is that if you don't make a will then there is no guarantee that the youngest can stay there till he reaches his majority because, as I have said, one or more children can force a sale of the property to realise his/her share.
can you make a will at any age? I haven't made one yet and a friend of mine died suddenly at the age of 44 last weekend. its made me wonder about making one.
I never had anyone to leave anything to apart from my parents and brother but I'll probably leave majority of stuff to Lt Tiggs and some to my little brother.
I keep meaning to thebarron, but there's always something else to spend the money on. Mr mac's leaves everything to his sister and given that he actually has stuff to leave and she's a moneygrubbing so and so I think that's more of a worry tbh :)