ChatterBank1 min ago
Disclaimer: All Answers found here should not be taken in the stead of legal advice from a solicitor.Please refrain from being rude, abusive or judgemental - members come here for advice, not judgement! Members who offer only moral judgement will be suspended.
Ok so I've posted on here before but now im currently filling in forms and do not know what to do...the story is that I recieved an on the spot caution for shoplifting (which I believe expreies at the...
I was interviewed under caution by police 2yrs ago about an alleged offence , does this go on a CRB check? No further action was taken and case closed but CRB check is asking to declare cautions and...
Hi my brother has been charged with ABH against another family member. The victim's statement has been withdrawn and also a witness statement has also been withdrawn. The injuries were a chipped bone...
My ex was given a harassment order about 3 weeks ago, this entails not to contact myself, come near us, or any addresses we may be at or my sons school. Now he has just approached us in the street and...
When are defendant police interview statements used in court, in a joint trial if the co accused gave statements clearing another defandant, how is this played out in court, are defandant statements...
i\'ve got a big problem with teenagers playing ball outside my house in the street, we have reported it to the police but nothing seems to stop them and they have hit my car on a number of occasions...
Last week my husband ( who I am separated from) got arrested for driving with no tax or insurance and the police searched his car and found false number plates. He had been using these to do petrol...
my mate has stitched me up. we had a party and all got drunk, later on my m8 fell out with his girlfriend.. she ended up in my bedroom with my girlfriend cryin, she was scared of him. So i took him...
Around about 3 months ago my brother was found guilty of 4 counts of Fraud with several other offences taken into consideration. Basically it went about as good as he could of hoped and he was given a...
My son appeared in Court on a public order offence related to football to which he pleaded not guilty. The local newspaper has named him with our address as pleading not guilty to threatening...
Need some help. I got caught for drink drive, driving while disqualified and driving with no insurance.? It was my second time within a year. I realize I have a problem and have made an appointment...
hi just wondering if any one can answer this q for me please? my daughter was convicted of child neglect and i now have residency, my question is she is planning on having a haloween party for his...
my sons conditional discharge ends this week, does he still have to tell any future employers about this now that it has ended ? Also would he be able to work abroad,he works in banking. thanks
Can someone help me. I am the victim of domestic violence and my partner was charged with assault. He was up in court today and when I phoned to find out how he pleaded the court office advised me...
I have just been held back from a job as I have just had my CRB check through the post. I have nothing on my criminal record.....or so I thought!!!!!! There is now showing that a Fixed Penalty Notice...
To cut a long story short, many years ago someone fled the UK with £10k of my money. I recently traced him to Panama and contacted him via a forum for ex pats, albeit he would not talk with me....
My friend was to appear in Crown Court on 20th October Charged with Section 17, She was going not guilty on grounds of self defence. The Judge has moved her court date forward due to Crown Prosecution...
Further to my earlier question - if a solicitor is dealing with a claim for an accident on my behalf and my partner uses the same family firm to instruct another solicitor ( the solicitors are...