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katy71 | 17:53 Tue 04th May 2010 | Criminal
4 Answers
posted on here before my ex was charged with 3 assaults and 2 criminal damage he pleade not guilty and it went to trial in magistrates he made me go through with evidence and the district judfge founh him guilty at end of trial of all charges
it is going for probation report now and he will be sentenced on 17 may he has no previous convictions
what is the likely sentence
it was domestic violence


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glad to see he is your ex and you are not having him back ! Judges are very lenient these days, prisons full, it all depends on the report that the probation officer gives to the advice is dont start feeling sorry for him [ he will do it again believe me!] and dont go to court to speak up for him, he got himself into this mess, let him get himself out. If he goes to...
11:28 Thu 06th May 2010
got to be a couple of years
welldone katy for going through it xx
glad to see he is your ex and you are not having him back ! Judges are very lenient these days, prisons full, it all depends on the report that the probation officer gives to the advice is dont start feeling sorry for him [ he will do it again believe me!] and dont go to court to speak up for him, he got himself into this mess, let him get himself out. If he goes to jail try and move out of the district.
In my opinion he wont go to prison, mainly because he has no previous convictions, he will most probably get a Community Order, or Suspended Sentence Order with Unpaid Work or a Domestic Violence programme with supervision.

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