The only caution I would add to the above excellent advice, is when / how this was damaged.
I have been on the reverse side of this, where a customer came in, purchased a glass bottle of orange juice and then tried to return it an hour later as it had a big crack down the side. Now it was obvious to me that she had done this herself - the crack was massive and I am certain that I (or indeed she) would have spotted it before putting it in the bag for her. I therefore refused to give her a refund. She called Trading Standards, who came in to the shop. I explained why I wasn't giving her a refund and they were happy with that and never took it further.
Wear and Tear is often difficult to work out - some companies will just accept it, some won't. As someone who sees a lot of customers in my shop, I will normally refund unless I feel that someone is 'trying it on'