omg cant believe behaviour from a woman with a child and yes the child doesnt seem perturbed maybe every day occurence! if so social services shoul be aware she def isn't good for a mum !
I disagree re. the child's reaction. He seems to deliberately avoid making eye contact - as if he is pretending that he is not there. Perhaps he sees this behaviour often, and has learned not to react.
Disgusting opinions and comments. Whats worse is shes not alone in her extreme opinions. Well what excatly do you think they say at Bnp party meetings?This is what Bnp supporters mean when they speak nicely in public about ethnic minorities. She was just caught on film thats the difference.
That is disgusting. That fellow behind her had to be restrained from joining in, and I don't blame him. I agree - she was off her face. I hope they throw the book at her, but she probably won't remember it tomorrow.
<<I really hope they can charge her with something and hopefully take her child away>> Bit harsh isn`t it? Much as her behaviour is despicable, you don`t know what mental health issues/addictions she has. I have been on the Croydon Tram Link and what struck me what what a terrible place New Addington and the surrounding area is. It`s the most souless, desolate place I have ever been to. In the world. Ever. Who knows what kind of problems she has?
The interesting thing is, my mother was in M&S the other day and an elderly lady two tills away was subjected to similar abuse from a teenager with a kid in tow. It`s a shame that people only take notice when the abuse is racist. If it`s sexist, ageist or any other kind of "ist" it`s ignored. You can`t take kids away from every knacker mother that spouts off when the going gets tough. Unfortunately, there`s a lot of it about.