I have given my notice in today saying please accept four weeks notice from todays date the 22nd.February 2012
This will end my employment on Wednesday 21st March 2012 although my final shift will be Thursday 15th March assuming there are no changes to my current shift pattern.
Letter received cofirmed the company accepts my resignation and confirmed my last day of service will be the 21st March does this mean they accept that my shift pattern will not change and that I will finish on the 15th?
Sorry if this is a bit long winded and thanks in advance for any replies.
depends on your contract. 4 weeks...or one month. they are different and you should take a look before getting into dispute over a few days. think of your reference! they can always refuse to give one in the future. x
Surely this question should be directed to your employer since only "they" know what "they" understand to have accepted. Any other persons may only speculate on the answer.
If your contract of employment states you must give 4 weeks notice and you have complied with this, which has been confirmed by your employer who will pay you to that date. It is up to them what they do with you between the 15 & 21 March, subject to it being appropriate. Generally there is no obligation on the part of the employer to provide work so long as wages are paid, do not forget your pro-rata holiday pay if you have not taken holidays to the date of leaving.