I'm really hacked off with mine today. The one on the right we take in parcels for and bring his bins in when he is on nights; I also supply him with fresh eggs. The one at the back we keep an eye on in bad weather.
Both have been gardening today. Both have picked up the leaves from the trees that have blown into their garden from mine. Both having gone to the trouble of picking up said leaves have just chucked them back over the fence. To the extent that one load of "chuckings" ended up all over me (including grit and stones which went in my wine). For Funks Sake, if they went to the trouble of picking them up why couldn't they put them in the bin? It's not like I can stop the wind blowing leaves into their gardens.
To be fair, Craft, its not him - its his bloody parents. THey are complete Mangetouts. They don't come very often but when they do its as if they are trying to cause problems.
I did have a rather loud telephone conversation with a colleague along the lines of "if those **** **** chuck anymore **** over the ***** fence I shall not be responsible for my actions".
Ash they to remove them.If you aint got a rake hazel do .Would not pine about them .Beech you better of with out them .I would not speak to eider of them again .
They are not supposed to just chuck the leaves back over are they? I was under the impression that they had to ask if you wanted them back (as with overhanging tree limbs etc.) and if you said no they were to dispose of them themselves in a responsible manner.