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Parking Ticket Has Wrong Registration Number

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serendipity2 | 10:12 Wed 10th Jul 2013 | Law
23 Answers
Hi, yesterday I parked in a disabled bay by the charity shop in my supermarket car park, so as to be close enough to carry the heavy goods into the shop. In the ten seconds I was gone, I was issued a parking ticket from the private firm who are now operating there. I didn't even know they were employing these people. I knew I would only be there less than a minute.
The ticket he issued me with says the make model and colour of my car, but he has typed the wrong reg into his computer. I have gone not the company's website, to appeal, and that also has the wrong reg on. Surely that means they cannot chase me for the £70. Or am I wrong?


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Surely it's invalid if they've printed wrong reg. Don't worry.
/I'd be extremely suprised if DVLA are obliged to give them the information, without some legal reasons for doing so /

The DVLA sell driver details to private car parking firms - it's a big earner for them

I think they charge £2.50 a record
Wait to see if you get a follow up letter. They trace you through the reg number so if they have the wrong one they can't find you to send the letter.
If this is a private parking company then the ticket is not legally enforceable anyway. What is the EXACT wording on the ticket you got ?

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Parking Ticket Has Wrong Registration Number

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