hello Gness, i have a lot of experience in this area. the £108 mentioned is called funded nursing care, and you may find that she already gets this - it's usually paid directly to the nursing home from the NHS, and they reduce your fees as appropriate. As care is so expensive, people often don't notice the £108 discount! Only people in nursing homes get this payment - residential care homes with no nursing do not get it because the NHS already pays for the nursing care they receive via the district nurses (who don't go into nursing homes)
continuing healthcare is when the person has a primary nursing need (ie their condition is so serious, or unpredictable or complex that they formerly would have been in hospital) it is not means tested, and the NHS pays the whole amount of the care fees (so no charge at all to the patient) people who need routine nursing care (washing, dressing, ordinary medications, keeping safe and occupied and so on) do not qualify examples of things that might make the pt qualify include things like fits, intractable pressure sores, no mobility in any limbs and difficult to manage behaviour (for example sexual disinhibition, aggression and so on)