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Is It Car Theft

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Pattyrgn | 06:38 Fri 04th Aug 2017 | Law
67 Answers
I have a car on finance my ex has taken without my knowledge, all the documents are in my name, is this theft or a civil matter


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Patty, I think it may well be time to seek a solicitor's advice, but first I would ask the police why they did not take any action.It may well be that he convinced them that he thought he would have your permission.
07:41 Fri 04th Aug 2017
Patty, I think it may well be time to seek a solicitor's advice, but first I would ask the police why they did not take any action.It may well be that he convinced them that he thought he would have your permission.
You really do need to seek proper advice, Patty.
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Thank you for that good advice mark, when I reported it stolen to the police they did say it was theft, but because my ex told them it was a civil matter the took his word for it, and by the way, he has a taxi, and that is his main sort of transport, he only dove the car when we had a family day out and this was very few and far between, I used the car on a daily basis, transporting the children to school and nursery, shopping and other stuff x
So what are you going to do?
As I said get him off your insurance. Then he needs your permission to insure it or to use it on another insurance. A car can not be insured on two separate insurance policies at the same time.
This is not only to stop him driving it the main reason is that if he as a named driver on your policy has a crash it will be on your insurance record.
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I am going to the CAB to get advice off them, I am also getting in touch with this police man because he doesn't have a clue by the sounds of it, you can well appreciate at that time when he rang I was to upset to speak to him and would have said the wrong thing, these answers are what I was thinking anyway I feel a bit stronger now, thank you once again Mark x
// Peter...what are you yabbing on about?//umm
the awful yabber that I was yabbering on about is this:

"We don't know that's not his intention."

how many 'nots' are there umm ? - oh I can see two.
are double negatives bad English ? yes it is umm

If you dont want to write no yabber umm
I wont say.. no
[joke yeah yeah I know that was packed with double negatives or as umm describes her own prose: 'awful yabber']

If the police have said it is not theft I think you are staffed and should follow the civil route

I dont see that there is any purchase in hiking down to the police station and saying - "I have put it on AB and umm says it dont look like narfing unlawful to her !"
he really will say - what was that ma'am ? ....
// my ex told them it was a civil matter the took his word for it//
It is up to the police to decide if it is cavil matter not your husband.
// You really do need to seek proper advice, Patty.//

the voice of reason - I agree

or as umm might say - she dont need no lack of legal advice!
Good luck, Patty. Let us know how it goes.

(Who's Mark?).
PP...for goodness sake!!! Most of your posts are unintelligible.
Naomi - 'mark the best answer'

Some newbies mistake that as Mark.
Oh, really? Thanks.

You learn something every day Naomi, what a great Site ;o)
You do indeed, Baldric. And after all these years too! :o)
The difficulty with this as I see it is that Pattyrgn's ex will undoubtedly claim that he has some sort of beneficial interest in the vehicle. This is why the police will be unwilling to act. If he does so claim, it is a more properly a civil matter since his defence to TWOCing will undoubtedly be "but I am a part owner" (even though the documents are all in the OP's name, that is not conclusive as to ownership). It's going to be really hard for the Crown to prove TWOCing beyond reasonable doubt.

Best see a solicitor.
A double negative may not be the same as a positive if there is an excluded state in the middle. Not knowing something wasn't intended is different from knowing something was intended. Double negatives should be used carefully, but there are occasions when their use is correct.
Dead right OG Saying "We don't know that's not his intention." is NOT necessarily the same as saying "We know that's his intention."
Barmaid's is the advice to follow Pattie

- the rest of you - you dont know nuffin yet !
( as umm might put it)
No Peter, I do not speak the same sort of garbage as you!

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