Court Sentencing in The AnswerBank: Law
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Court Sentencing

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fruitsalad | 17:32 Mon 07th Jan 2019 | Law
8 Answers
Is there a website where you can see a sentence given out at crown court, from late last year
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Usually the local paper - if its a significant sentence just search the name and court.
See here
or check the website of the relevant local newspaper.
PS: To restrict a Google search to particular website (such as that of a particular newspaper) add 'site:', followed by the relevant URL, toyour search term.

For example, to search this website (and no other) for the name 'Fred Bloggs', use this search string:
"Fred Bloggs" site:theanswerbank.co.uk
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I put in persons name and the crown court the trial was held, it just takes me to the law pages, once I get to the law pages I cannot find the persons name
There was someone who I had an 'interest' in a few years ago. For a while his name cropped up in google searches but over time he appears to have disappeared from the internet (he was a local rapist, pimp and sex offender)
No mention of him anywhere now...court dates, sentencing, nothing!
Google is obliged (by EU law) to remove search results from google.co.uk where a person mentioned in the relevant pages has used their 'right to be forgotten', so older convictions often won't show up. (Local newspapers often remove pages relating to historic convictions anyway, in order to respect the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act).

However Google is in dispute with the EU authorities who say that Google must also remove such search results from google.com (since the US version of the search engine is also available to people within the EU) but US campaigners are fighting to keep those links online (on the grounds that they don't like the EU meddling in what they see as an American service). At the present time though it's still possible to access links removed from google.co.uk by searching on google.com.

However it's only historic information that's affected (or not, as the case may be) by the 'right to be forgotten'. If Fruitsalad carries out a 'site specific' search for information from the relevant local newspaper, she may well find a report of the court case thatshe's looking for.
Thanks Chris.
Its also been noted that most of my own convictions have also disappeared from Google searches without any imput/requests from myself...
Not that *IM* complaining ;-)
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Thanks guys for input

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