Question Author
This is the best recollection of our Annual Meeting held 3-21-2019
March 21st, 2019 the Annual Meeting of the Members was held.
In this meeting the President of the Board announced that the Meeting of the Members was called to order. She said that the candidates would be allowed to introduce themselves and inform the members what? and why? They were running for the board, and what they wanted to see happen and what they stood for.
The President went right into the election without providing any minutes, financial reports, reports of officers, reports of committees, reports from manager or managing agent, election of inspectors of the election, election directors, and did not allow for unfinished business or new business. The President stated that this meeting was for election only. An objection “Out of Order” was called from the floor, stating that this meeting could not move forward until these proceedings were applied, [Article IV section 9 of our bylaws give the Order of Business]. According to the bylaws it states: “The Order of Business Shall be as Follows” Article IV section 9: The Order of Business Shall be as follows:
Section 9. Order of Business. The order of business at all regular scheduled meetings of the regular members shall be as follows:
(a) Roll call.
(b) Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice.
**(c) Reading of minutes of preceding meeting.
**(d) Reports of officers.
**(e) Reports of committees.
**(f) Report of manager or managing agent.
**(g) Election of inspectors of election.
(h) Election of directors.
**(i) Unfinished and new business
The President stated that the meeting would continue and that the members would take a vote in order to continue the election. A vote of members passed 9 aye, 5 nay, for the meeting/election to continue. The election was held.
There were 2 Director Seats open, and about 8 Candidates on the ballot. The ballots were printed and numbered and on the ballots it stated to vote for 2 Candidates, one for each open seat. According to our bylaws they allow one vote on each question and never more than one vote, does 2 open seats mean 2 questions? [Article IV section 7].
This Board has no regards to our bylaws. They just continue to disregard them, even though they have been told.
The President also stated that the directors terms consisted of One [1] year term, Two [2] year terms, and Two [2] three year terms. I explained to her that according to our bylaws that was only allowed for the first Annual Meeting in order to stagger the elections of directors. I told her that all directors’ seats are elected to 3 year terms. [Article V section 3]. The reason for this was to question the seat of 1 director was available due to her passing, she was elected in 2018 and 1 year of her term had been served therefore leaving 2 years of her directorship left and 1 of the terms should be 2 year filling remainder of the directors term, and the other a 3 year term due to a directors term being over. I brought this into question based on the Candidates registration stating both seats were 3 year terms.
[** Denotes the procedure was not carried out].