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Who Will Protect Us From Those Above The Law?

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harpurheylad | 01:26 Tue 19th May 2020 | Law
46 Answers
In an age where so called elites are able to control governments and institutions especially law, who, (if anyone) is able to hold these wealthy and powerful individuals and groups accountable for crimes against humanity and serve justice upon them? For example: Some suggest Bill Gates to be involved in this global Covid19 pandemic, if such a theory was true who would have the power to hold such an individual accountable? If there is none, is he above the law?


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Theland, //its how the world works until it is forced to change. //

And how many who have been forced to change to a direction that you think would suit you more have not hesitated in changing back at the earliest opportunity?
‘Here's the rub’, a lot of folk will moan about multinationals but still use them because they offer the best prices.
Naomi , should we just be content to tug our forelocks and bow low to our betters?
Naomi 11:03 - How many? Who? When?
Nickorwan - How do they offer best prices?
THELAND, do you condone mob rule?
I don’t tug my forelock or bow (low or otherwise)to anyone, Theland. Who are your betters?

Look at any socialist/communist country - from those still existing - and tell me you why want to live under such a regime? Have you ever experienced life in one in action?
I condone change for the benefit of humanity.
Working people have never ever been given anything by private capital.
It has always had to be taken in the face of fierce opposition.
I know this is law, but I don't have an actual answer to the question (apart from people would be tried either in their own country or in the country in which they broke the law) But I am interested in this: Theland, didn't you once say you earned a lot of money in previous a job, mainly by working so hard? If so, did this worry you so much when you were rich? did you advocate spreading the wealth around then?
THELAND, what about Cadbury and Bournville?
Theland, //Working people have never ever been given anything by private capital.//

Why do you expect to be ‘given’ anything? People work to build businesses, businesses provide jobs for those who don’t have the wherewithal to build businesses, and jobs provide wages.
And we should be grateful for small mercies.
Naomi - I meant should WE tug the forelock.
No, you should take responsibility for yourself.
I have always taken responsibility for myself and still do.
Bednobs, When I was earning I used money to help!out family, even selling my house to help them.
(Two of my kids are disabled and needed help more than the others.)
Naomi, I thank God I don't live in a bubble as you do.
Theland. //I have always taken responsibility for myself and still do.//

Good - but you have no hesitation in pleading hard up - and we’ve established you’re not - and you’ve no hesitation in complaining because you’re not ‘given’ the fruits of someone else’s efforts.

//Naomi, I thank God I don't live in a bubble as you do.//

I don’t live in a bubble. I live in the real world. I ask nothing from anyone and never have.
So I plead hard up?
No, I get by, and manage to help out others as well.
And why would I demand the fruits of others labours?
You really do talk rubbish.
Low taxes on the wealthy is a true example of some taking the gift of the low paid.
Theland, //So I plead hard up?//

Yes, Theland, you do. A little while ago you said you live in joggers because you can’t afford trousers but that wasn’t true - and you have been known to say - and I quote - //I live in poverty. using a borrowed computer to play here. Reality is so so harsh //

//And why would I demand the fruits of others labours?//

Why indeed, Theland, but you do. If you didn’t you wouldn’t bleat on about not be ‘given’ anything.

Incidentally, if you think 40% tax on a salary of just over £50,000 is low, you’re either living in Cloud Cuckoo Land or you're rubbish at sums. You, in the past, having been one of those high earners you now so despise, I shouldn’t have to ask you to think about it - but I will.

Incidentally, talking tax, I would remind you that Gordon Brown abolished the low tax rate for low earners as well as rifling the working man's pension pot. Bet you voted for him.
No sign of harpurheylad returning then?
Agent provocateur?
Who else do we know lives in Manchester?

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