Quizzes & Puzzles6 mins ago
Procedures After A Death
My mother passed away in May. She had been living in a home and I lived in the flat she owned. She had a will made out - leaving everything to me but as the flat was her only property I need to change the details on the land registry to me in order to obtain a mortgage for improvements. How do I go about doing that?
Gone a little bit dull here at the moment but still nice and w
11:16 Wed 01st Jul 2020
https:/ /www.co -oplega lservic es.co.u k/media -centre /articl es-jan- apr-201 7/trans ferring -proper ty-afte r-death /
This may be of help Ric.ror, I'm so sorry about your Mum
This may be of help Ric.ror, I'm so sorry about your Mum
From the Land Registry website:
https:/ /hmland registr y.blog. gov.uk/ 2018/02 /13/pro perty-o wner-di es/
-- answer removed --
worth a repeat - very sorry for your loss Ric
erm I hope CHris is around and is more wordy than his last post
you need to apply for probate as an executor
and then change title - I think you use a TR1 - BUT
I really wouldnt do this without advice
and possibly use a solicitor
I think you need him as the debts can be settled as a executor
but you need to keep accounts
and of course 'the usual ' costs - funeral
you also need to settle the utilities up to the date of death
then apply for probate - another form on wh I think the tax liability will be nil
THEN you can apply for the title change
oh and finally, dont forget the tax form for income tax ( whaaaaat?) for the year ended 6 Ap 2020 and for the first month of this tax year 2020-1 - for which whooppee there may be a rebate.
the solicitor doesnt have to do all this for you
but can act as adviser whilst you do all the donkey work in form filling
( wh is what we did for my auld mam and it worked quite well)
and his bill is much less
erm I hope CHris is around and is more wordy than his last post
you need to apply for probate as an executor
and then change title - I think you use a TR1 - BUT
I really wouldnt do this without advice
and possibly use a solicitor
I think you need him as the debts can be settled as a executor
but you need to keep accounts
and of course 'the usual ' costs - funeral
you also need to settle the utilities up to the date of death
then apply for probate - another form on wh I think the tax liability will be nil
THEN you can apply for the title change
oh and finally, dont forget the tax form for income tax ( whaaaaat?) for the year ended 6 Ap 2020 and for the first month of this tax year 2020-1 - for which whooppee there may be a rebate.
the solicitor doesnt have to do all this for you
but can act as adviser whilst you do all the donkey work in form filling
( wh is what we did for my auld mam and it worked quite well)
and his bill is much less