Welcome to The Answerbank.
However this is a UK-based website and our laws are
very different to those in the USA (where I assume that you are, as that's where Pike Electric operates).
Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, we've got no regular US contributors here (and certainly nobody with detailed knowledge of US civil law).
As a general legal principle though (which almost certainly applies throughout most of the world), giving someone permission to access your land is most definitely not the same as giving them permission to cause damage to your property (or to the services feeding your property).
The essential question that any court would need to address (whether in the UK or the USA) is one of 'negligence'. If it can be shown that Pike Electric, or their agents, acted negligently, you should be entitled to compensation. Any good lawyer should be able to show that it's not good enough for workers to assume that a sewer pipe is located in the very rough area indicated to them by the resident of a property; 'due diligence' requires that they should then CHECK the information before risking damage to the pipe.
For a more detailed answer, from someone acquainted with US civil law, you'll need to post on a US-based site. Unfortunately the closest US equivalent to this site (answerbag.com) is poorly moderated and hence full of spammers and trolls. Much the same seems to apply to answers.yahoo.com too. The only US-based site I know of where you might be able to get an answer is Quora: