Hello. I have arranged a home appointment with a will writing service.
I am now worrying myself that if I name one of my children as an attorney
and she finds pr obate too dificult when we have gone,
do you think she wil
have any problem getting a lawyer to deal wit h it if the will hs been drawn up by a Willwriter?
Thank you
there will be no difficulty in her finding a lawyer to administer the will if she needs it despite it no being written by them (although she probably won't unless she has learning difficulties; even then her advocate might be able to help)
/// Do not name a Solicitor in your Will as your daughter will not then be able to shop around for the cheapest fees, should she have to appoint one.///
To my amazement, when I drew up my Will, my Solicitor gave me this advice too. Naming a relative/friend as Executor gives them the choice of doing it themselves, or appointing a Solicitor of their choice.
I was MD of a will-writing company. My advice matches that above. i.e. you should never name a solicitor (or a bank, etc) as an executor of your will because
(a) they tend to charge a fortune when they know that no other solicitor can take on the task; and
(b) there could be complications if the solicitor has died, or gone out of business, by the time you die.
Always name someone (or two people) that you trust. They can never decide for themselves whether to take on the task or to get a solicitor to do t for them. (They'll also be able to shop around to find the cheapest quote, which they couldn't do if you'd named a specific solicitor).