My son is using my grandson to scam money from me.
We've had our grandson living with us since april.
I unfortunately had to report my son to social services (I told him that i was going to do it)
Due to safety of my grandson.
My son stopped me seeing our grandson, nine horrific days.
Then out of the blue he asked if we wanted him for the night which of course we jumped at the chance.
He's been with us ever since (four weeks)
But only because i was giving my son a lot of money every time he asked.
When i said no Christmas day because i didn't have it, he demanded our grandson back.
He was back within the hour because he couldn't cope.
The last four days he's been texting asking for money and coming up with absolutely ridiculous lies, the bailiffs are at the door, men are after him.
I sent his dad down and of course there were no bailiffs.
I've gave him the money for fear he'll stop us seeing our grandson again.
Social services are involved and even after my original concerns they're saying ive no choice but to give my grandson back when he asks.
Our son knows exactly how to play me.
He's scammed alot of people with his crazy lies and he's proud of it.
I just really don't know what to do.
Our grandson's safety is EVERYTHING.
Mum doesn't want him and neither does dad and SS know this.
Of course there's so much more to our story.
I just wonder how to deal with this situation.
Can you record your conversations with your son. How old is your grandson and who has parental custody? Keep social services aware of what is going on and maybe consult a lawyer
Thankyou x
All the conversations are through text's so i have saved them.
But i guess all he's done is lie to get money and i give it him.
He's never actually said "give me money or you won't see your grandson"
But that is exactly what he's doing.
My grandson is 19 months old.
I have been to a solicitor but basically i have no rights so to be able to see our grandson i have to continue to do what im doing.
Have you thought about applying to the court for a residency order (it used to be called a custody order)?
It is a huge step and will cause ructions in your family but it is the only way to stop this cycle of implied threats and blackmail.
The courts will only grant you a residency order if they believe it would be in the child's best interests but as your grandson has been living with you since April and Social Services are involved then you have good reason to apply.