As a cruising virgin, I offer the following tips to assist with the trip.
After boarding, it can take a considerable time before your luggage is delivered to your stateroom – therefore ensure you carry anything that you might need during this time (medication, toiletries, change of clothes etc) with you.
Following the Costa Concordia sinking, it is a legal requirement that before the ship departs, passengers undergo a lifeboat drill. This entails going to your assigned muster station when the alarm sounds, and having your name checked-off (nothing more). It’s worth remembering the location should the worst happen.
Do your homework before you depart on each port of call, and decide what you want to do/see to maximise your enjoyment. The cruise line will offer various excisions (at exorbitant prices) – Mrs Hymie and I have often taken a taxi driving us around the local tourist attractions for considerably less than the cruise line wanted for the two of us travelling with hoards on a coach. But remember the cruise ship won’t wait for you if you are late back from a private tour.