It may be just me, but why does everything seem to be so complicated and confusing.
Since Thursday night I've felt like a bag of crap, bunged up nose, sneezing like there's no tomorrow, just like a bog standard cold.
So just now I thought I would take my temperature. So whats normal temp? I'd forgot, because I can't remember the last time I ever bothered to take it.
Googled it and OMG. Instead of just getting 1 or 2 answers for quick reference your confronted with a whole boat load of charts/ variations/ ages of patient, what time of day you take your temp. Some doctors say this, some say that, but they agreed that it should be around this. Jesus!!!! HELP :)
It seems whatever you look up on the internet now your left wishing you'd never bothered, and come away more confused than you was before you went on. Just having a rant :) :)
36.5-37.5. But, I agree. I find Google very much offers what they "think" I wanted to know and not what I actually asked.
They are unbelievably biased in many respects.
All this relying on Google is eventually going to take away peoples' common sense and stop them thinking for themselves. Put the back of your hand on your forehead and if it feels hot you probably have a temperature, if it doesn't, you don`t.
I must say that I can't see any point in taking my own temperature. If I'm ill I know I'm ill, whatever my temperature reading might be. I can see that a medic might use temperature as an indicator whether a patient is really ill but taking your own temperature seems pointless.