If you worry about getting older, by the time a decade has passed, you will wonder just why you spent all that time ten years' earlier worrying about the very same thing and realise you weren't 'old' at all.
'Quiet' people are 'most always the ones that have the most to offer. Really.
From my teens' I always had the firm plan that I was never going to have children. The big plan was I would adopt a couple of kids. By the time I reached 35, I discovered that my partner had been having a long-term affair. We spent the previous 13 years doing literally everything (we had a speciallist car repair business and worked together too) together. It was a sham.
I was destroyed when what I suspected for 18 month turned out to be true.
All of my plans were gone. It turned out to be a good thing. I am now twice the person I was.
You do not need to give birth to start a family. There are 1,000s of kids, needy kids, that want a loving parent to adopt them. County councils are crying out for foster parents, whether single or not.
As an old git, I think that the greatest satisfaction is to be found by looking outwards.
You aren't even close to middle age. Things are so different than was the case thirty years ago. You will so curse yourself in the future for thinking that life was somehow downhill from 'now'.
Think about what you are the very best at. Everyone has something. Consider turning a thing you love into a part-time business enterprise. You cannot lose much if it's only part-time. Join a foodbank club. You will meet nice people. Turn your abilities to be sporty and perhaps join a football club?
Women's football is possibly the biggest thing at the moment. You will meet strong women, like-minded folk who have developed excellent life skills. Decent women, happy to help you.
I do hope you find a way to thrive and be happy. Life is so very short to be wasted being unhappy. Your user name must mean something.
So please you just get out there and GoGal!