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Spectator 2661 - Spectrum By Doc

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Matakari | 09:38 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
46 Answers

Good morning, my favourite Doc challenges me this week with the following for which I would appreciate  a few hints. Many thanks in advance!

27a Hours away from Shoreditch organising game like Farkle (3,4): ???DI?E
41a They are wrong about tear away, a trencherman (6,5): H?A?????T?R
5d   Germanic spirits showing daring in Greek location (7): K???LD?
14d Drunk, when speeding (4,3,5) : ???R??O???I?
33d Track our late compiler (5): ????T



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Look up 'trencherman'.

27   Hot Dice? ( Shoreditch minus hrs, then anagram)

Your O is wrong in 14d. It should be E.

5    Kobolds

14D In both cases you're 'over the .....'

33d track is a racetrack.....and the late compiler is a speccie compiler deceased

I think Doc has been reading this forum lol This week's was much more of a challenge. 

30a.  Old pots belonging to station. (6) cre?es



Thank you Tilly2 ..... can you explain please ?


I found a crewes/pots explanation, but Station ?

Crewe in Cheshire has an important railway station.

'Crewe station is a major junction on the West Coast Main Line and serves as a rail gateway for North West England.' Wikipedia

Thanks.  A poor clue to me. ;o(

I have now completed all bar the unclued 28d.  Help please ... c?r?o?

Goes with bleu

Is there a theme to the unclueds?

Yes a french colour theme

cashier...french colours  in a phrase...

Thank you JJ109.   Cashier ..... try another word fro Spectrum connected with JJ109's last clue.

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Spectator 2661 - Spectrum By Doc

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