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thugulike | 17:31 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | Law
5 Answers

If a will states you are left a house and contents does that include the contents of an attached garage?



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My guess is the house will mean the whole property, so unless someone else can show that the garage was holding their property, I'd say, yes.

Assuming the Will doesn't specify that the garage and its contents have been left to you, it depends on what is in the garage.  If it is household goods, yes (furniture and white goods in storage for example).  

If the Will makes no other provision for the contents, then probably.  If there are cars and similar in the garage and they have been left to somebody else in the Will you are not entitled to them.

If somebody else has been left the residue of the estate, then cars could possibly be included in that - cars are not considered to be 'contents'.

The wording of the Will should preferably leave the (freehold/leasehold) property (at a given address); leaving a house could lead to a dispute as to whether the person is getting the separate garage, shed or even the land the house is standing on.

attached garage? yes deffo yours

it is amazing what cat fur and nit picking occurs after  a family death - I am sorry for your loss. and it goes on....

( Albert died so second wife Carol inherited and then she died and it passed to Carol's brudda, Desmond who in the usual way backed up a pantechnicon and emptied the house

and Albert's two children complained that D had got rid of all their father's stuff

Myy comment was he can do that, and was lucky to get out of the pub alive

o unless someone else can show that the garage was holding their property, I'd say, yes.

nemo dat quod non habet - is not really wills. More " you cant flog what isnt yours"

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