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Inherited Rent Arrears-Eviction?

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shortpaul | 14:35 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | Law
7 Answers

Earlier this year my social housing landlord sold my property to another housing association. At the time of the transfer of tenancy there were relatively smalll rent arrears on my account c. £200. While I realise that should I not pay all these arrears to the new landlord I could be sued, as rent payments have  been made on time since xfer, could I be liable to eviction on the basis of any outstanding inherited arrears alone?



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They won't for that amout as long as you make an effort to repay what's outstanding.

it depends on whether the debt has been transferred. Your landlord should be sending you a rent account in the standard form. The figure at the top will show if arrears are carried over.

if you ask THEM the clerk will chuckle and say yes of course we owe us loo-lah

BUT when I bought a house with ground rent, the ground rent co demanded 6 y arrears and the bill was 7 ! oh oops said the clerk. oops said I

this amount is too small to evict ( greater than two months) and of course they have to er tell you. Then you pay the bill, and they have no claim.

(judgie baby in the C18 " rent arrears paid, gives rise to no action") that is they cant bring an action if you have paid but you WERE in arrears.

With social housing( this includes housing associations) you may have a tenant support officer. Get them to check on your behalf.  If your rent was paid in full of in part by housing benefit the arrears might have happened by payment dates not synching with rent due dates.  If this is the case they will be used to it,  but checking covers your back if a problem arises later.

thx rowan

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Perhaps he is using AB in the correct fashion - to get answers.

I have never dealt with a housing association taking over another. I think in  that case, the debt is carried over.

I always tell tenants - if you pay your rent the landlord will leave you alone....some dont

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