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Scotland - Interdicts (Aka Injunctions)

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DTCwordfan | 12:39 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | Law
6 Answers

research for some writing:

In Scotland, an interdict, a full or interim one is raised in a Sheriff's court or the Court of Session - who would actually serve it on the targeted person, particularly if it was way out in the sticks such as in Portree on Skye?

Thanks in advance.....




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A local Sheriff or bobby, I'd imagine.

A sheriff officer, self-employed or employed by private firms. And totally different from sheriffs.

you need someonne  who does procedure in scotland. I think you pray an interdiction - 

( someone told me they dont do inquests in Scortland. They do: they  are called Fatal Accident Inquiries. Oh  lardy dah)

Sheriff Officers

After we successfully obtain an order on your behalf, the opponent will be served interdict papers by Sheriff Officers stating the legal restrictions placed on him/her, where a power of arrest can also be added.

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thank you all......

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Scotland - Interdicts (Aka Injunctions)

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