Selling house in The AnswerBank: Business & Finance
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Selling house

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gilby | 21:17 Tue 21st Feb 2006 | Business & Finance
5 Answers
I have a house with my partner, we are in the process of splitting up and wish to sort things out with the house. He is going to buy me out but the problem is that all of the bills go out of MY account. Am i able to ring most companies to explain the situation and get them to change the name and bank details on their records or do i need to do it all in writing? Is it a long process or could I sort it in a week or so? i want to move out in just over a week but i am afraid that if i do things will go horribly wrong and i'll end up in money trouble. Any help gratefully received!!
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Your partner will have to complete new direct debit mandates so that the payments go from his account. Companies won't a change of account details the phone from you although there is nothing to stop you cancelling the direct debits from your account with your Bank.
Companies wont *accept* a change...
I went through this years ago - except I was trying to have the bills changed from his name to mine as I was buying him out - and I was told they would only change the name from his to mine if he wrote to them; it was a complete nightmare for me. I suggest you write to the utility companies simply explaining you are moving out, no harm in explaining you have split up, and giving them your boyfriend's name.
This all sounds quite easy - if he is named on the bills then he can phone each company and either set up a new Direct Debit over the phone (people like the TV Licence will do it on the phone, I'm sure) or ask that a form is sent out for him to sign.

Whether you want to wait until they're established on his account before you cancel them from yours is another matter. He could always send a cheque if there's a delay.

I guess it depends on how good/bad terms you are breaking up? When I split up with my ex last year it was on amicable(ish) terms, but we agreed up front not to stiff each other over stuff like this.

Despite that all the various utilities make it like pulling teeth! Where I could, I wrote to them and explained an exact move date (I was leaving) so just in case it went really pear shaped, I could prove the cut-off point of any liabilities in my own name.

You know what the ironic thing is? I design call centre software, and the actual work involved for them in closing your account is seconds - I found in my time supporting and testing this on-site that the call centre operatives like to make it sound like they are doing something akin to splitting the atom to perform the simple task of closing your account!!! Isn't it also funny that when you set everything up they are more than happy to do it on the phone 'cos they are getting your hard-earned, but when you want to switch/move on they make it as tricky as possible by insisting on it in writing...grr!!!!!

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