except you wouldn't if it involved children. It really is luck of the draw I did it when I was really young 18/19 and haven't been asked again 25 years later. My brother in law has been 3 times!
Thanks in a pickle. What I find strange is that myself my 2 brothers, one sister, mother, father, neices and nephews have never been called to jury service?? we are all in our late 40's early 50's (us brothers and sisters I mean) so find it strange none of us have ever had the calling! We have always been on the electoral register... maybe in South Lincolnshire we dont have as much crime as in inner city areas and thats the reason.
I work for the company who supply the computer equipment to the Royal Courts of Justice and yes it is all random and all done by computer.
Each court has a computer system that hold a copy of the electrol register for it's catchment area. It randomly selects two pools of individuals. The first pool is for the first choice and the second pool is a backup pool for if people from the first pool are not available.
So I am afraid there is no way of ensuring that you are selected.
Realise this was ages ago but how was it? I am into my second week and loving it....late stasrts early finishes and sending horrible people to prison (well, finding them guilty). Would love to do this professionally!