I'm recovering from a cold/cough at the mo, and feel alot better then i did last week! Only there is one strange thing, my nose has been running alot... & when i blow it, what comes out is orange!! Also when i was sick this morning, that had an orange 'tinge' to it aswell.
I would possibly see the doctor it could be an infection it sounds discusting. On the other hand it just could br mucus shifting that has been dormant during the cold. If it hasnt gone soon if if it gets worse id see the doc.
I did think it could possibly be blood had a couple of nosebleds when i was ill last week, but it definitely is not that kind of colour, closer to the orange used on this site when i blow my nose! eugh!!
OOO, right, sounds like an infection then to me, i think you might need some anti bionics!!!!! Mucas can be all sorts of yukky colours when you get an infection. Make an appointment to see your Doc.
I have had a sore throat since my cold has been going which i thought was strange.
Going to the drs is easier said then done for me! Its a 2 hour bus trip and then a train away to my drs, as havent changed since i moved. So it means a full day off work which i have to book a couple of weeks in advance or a day sick that i wont get paid for :(
I live 2 doors from a medical centre, but if i go for a local visit, they cant prescribe me anything :(
if you were sick it could be that some of it went up your nose an that was what you were blowing out. Bile is an orangey yellow colour and you will have this colour sick if you had an empty stomach. I'm sure i should have been a doctor. ;)
If you go to a nhs drop in centre they can give you only three days stuff ( if you pay for prescripton it is full price for that )but perhaps if you explain they will give you a prescription to be dispensed outwith the centre for a full course - and you could have a follow up at your doctors. You can always cancel that if necessary.
I don't know what it is but I had the same last week. It was a bit of a shock. That was the second week of my cold. This week my cold has gone and when I blow my nose, it is normal. One of life's mysteries