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Proving 2 years separation

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northj | 15:41 Tue 03rd Apr 2007 | Law
4 Answers
Ex and I want quick divorce. Finances all settled, no children involved. If we wanted to use 2 years separation as grounds how do you prove it? We have been separated for 1 year but as we both agree to the divorce, what's to prevent us 'adding a year' to make it 2 years?

Thank you in advance


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youd need to prove that you were living seperately for those 2 years ie being registered at 2 seperate addresses I think.

cant you just use unreconsilable (sp) differences?
I think you can apply for a legal separation ~ although redcrx is also correct with the separate addresses situation.

I also agree that you can still divorce under the 'irretrievable breakdown' and not have to cite blame.
I'm not sure you have to prove it. You can even be livng in the same house as long as you lead completely separate lives eg no meals together, etc. Just apply for the divorce and see what happens.
When I got divorced (5 years ago) the only way you could get a quick divorce was adultery or unreasonable behaviour. I got my ex to make up some unreasonable things and that was that, as long they don't say you were violent, a drug dealer etc, cant see the problem with that as only the courts will know.

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