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parking ticket

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monkeemayhem | 18:56 Wed 04th Apr 2007 | Law
3 Answers
Got a �60 ticket today, ARGHHH!.
When I looked at my ticket it has my correct numberplate and make of car but the colour is wrong, they put white when its silver- do I still have to pay the fine?!! Could I appeal? Its a long, long shot but if I can wriggle out of paying it on a technicality, i'll do it!


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Yes you do have to pay the fine - and arguing over such a little thing will end up costing you more money.
Im afraid that you will have to pay the fine. A colour can be mixtaken for another ie white and silver, but if the number plate and model is correct then you cannot appeal.
If you were parked illegally then pay up and stop trying to 'wriggle out of it'.

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parking ticket

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