tax? in The AnswerBank: Law
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CushtyFred | 12:54 Tue 10th Apr 2007 | Law
13 Answers
My friend works in a cafe and steals �200 per week out of the takings. Does he have to declare his stolen earnings to the tax man?
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Yes :|
That's the first question to ever make me laugh! Love it!
Your friend should give the money to charity, maybe one that supports wildlife?
this is a wind up surely???
Question Author
No, this is not a winde up this is a genuine question, to which I want genuine answers. It's not as if he's going to declare it anyway.
as long as he says his car is blue (when its really a turquoise colour) and he writes the date month/day/year instead of day/month/year then Im sure he'll be fine :)
so why bother asking?
Question Author
Because i'm interested to know if you steal money do you have to declare it to the tax man. I'm thinking of pulling off a big bank robbery you see. Trying to get �10million and wanted to know if I have to declare it to the tax?
CushtyFred, your friend should take wing before he's brought up before the beak, otherwise he'll be doing bird for a long time to come.
In answer to another questioner, you called her "a dappy old fool". Your question invites us to return the compliment.
Of course he should - as not paying any tax would be immoral.
declaire to the tax man for sure, but why would some one so corrupt bother ? however this is prob only the start of things to come.

lot of shirtlifters in the nick u know i should know me dads one

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