Hi everyone. My fella and I have both sat reading everything right here. To Patihan, all the very best with your success and hope it continues in your favour. To the 'ex council' guy, Good to see great advice and honesty! Our situ: My family and I have our own double decker Bristol vr bus,(view our quick vid!:)) absolutely gorgeous. Getting there slowly with converting to a home anyway. We are searching Sussex and areas nearby to put her on. We have seen some land of 4 acres at £4,000 but sadly we're unable to come up with the cash straight off at this particular time. We have also seen and applied to another 3-4 acre plot on flat land in the area for rental at £150 PM we can most probably afford but have not heard back yet from owner. In answer to questions I would probably say using rented land with a movable mobile 'vehicle' and have chickens and some small livestock would be best in order to 'keep' land used but also visible in the sense that we intend to move about and not necessarily stay put continuously as would be if we had a fixed building or a barn and neither be classed as Travellers, as we are not!. Being rented would mean if any problems then we have a roof over our heads (bus) and can shift all our belongings atthe same time. Someone would still b required to tend to the livestock and thus hopefully having that in our favour as regards the lands purpose? Ther always seems to be a catch in whatever you choose to do, the council come up with a new law it seems to suit themselves anyway so smart quickthinking is essential! ensuring a fence is put up, NO TRESPASSING sign (evn on a rented plot) ensuring we BLEND IN or atleast keep to ourselves. Learn the area, find out about who neighbours the land and it's history esp the laws and what the land was previously used for could help. So, doing the homework!