I know exactly how all you ladies feel - and she isnt even my mother in law yet!! I have been with my fiance for just over 6 years and to begin with, I got on quite well with his mother. The problem is, when I first met my partner he was only 19 and me 16 so we both lived with our parents and his mum did EVERYTHING for him. When we got engaged and started saving for somewhere of our own, I moved in with them and it all turned BAD! If I ever cooked anything for myself and my fiance she would make snide remarks about it not looking very nice or interfering while I was cooking it. She would tell all her friends and family that we didnt do anything around the house and she had to do everything when, in reality, I practically begged her to let me do some housework. I even did a load of washing once because I thought I was being helpful, when she realised she said 'Oh, I usually boil the whites, they dont get clean otherwise' and then promptly took it off the line and washed it again!
On numerous occasions have I broken down in tears over her comments and it has caused a few arguements between my fiance and I.
I think I have finally proved myself to her now, although it is difficult to say as we have now moved into our own home and she is not there to put me down all the time.
Dont you think that this is the perfect website to come to to have a major rant about things like mother in laws. Do you feel better after putting down your feelings here? I do! I have to say, I think it will get better for you. sense4all is right, you have taken her 'little soldier' away and mother in laws never think that there little soldiers wifes/girlfriends are ever going be half as good as them at looking after them. Sad!