i need advise someone i know has used false name and my address to get approx � 600.00 on credit card ive spoken to company but cant find where he living now (got so many different name) can police do any thing?
Yes, its fraud - report it.
The credit card company should also refund you if your details have been used fraudulently but they probably need you to report it to the police first.
It's unlikely the police will even investigate when the amount is so small (sorry - try �10k and you might be closer to the mark), but if you want the credit card company to investgate properly then you will have to report this to the police - if you do not treat the matter as a crime, they don't have to.
Sorry - should have said that it's not up to you to trace the person who has committed fraud against you. You should just tell the police and the credit card company as much as you know and co-operate with any investigation that they need to do.