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transfer of property

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mikelegoddar | 16:23 Thu 24th Jan 2008 | Law
3 Answers
my niece has inherited her mothers house. Can she carry out the transfer of registration herself without having to consult a solicitor.


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i really wouldn't recommend it.
i THINK this is the right form: documents/as1.pdf
but as for fees and any other requirements, I really am not sure - the land registry themsleves may be able to help if you call them and ask but really i'd just go to a solicitor who deal with conveyancing (or if the solicitor dealing with the Will can do it, may be cheaper) as its better to make sure its done properly
Lawyers don't act for themselves, if they've got any sense. If something is done wrongly they've got nobody to sue! She's a lay person. That's a matter for her to think about..
i wouldn't mess around with a property transfer without a property solicitor, i reckon saving a buck or two is just not worth it where you're talking about a property that will be worth thousands

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transfer of property

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