Hi Ripley, I'm sorry to hear about your situation, My best friend died from cancer before christmas and I was involved in the winding up of her financial affairs. If your friend has a substantial estate, property, savings, shares of life insurance it might help if they had a will. If they do have a will you can ask a solicitor to wind up the estate for you, apply for probate etc. But you need to know that will be pricey as they charge by the hour and it can be time consuming. I applied for probate and it was fairly easy but I'm quite comfortable with forms. My practical advice would be make lists, keep accurate records of where you are up to with each company that you are dealing with and prioritise yourself in front of the paperwork. Also get a few copies of the death certificate as you might need to send them to different places and photocopy everything before you send it off.
Does your friend know she is dying? mine did and it was incredibly hard to talk about what she wanted when she had died but it would havve helped if we had known practical things like where her will was.
Good luck