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Small claims

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daffy654 | 09:54 Tue 11th Mar 2008 | Law
8 Answers
Can anyone explain to me how I go about taking someone to the small claims court please? Also is there a set procedure to report a retail business to Trading Standards and do you have to report it to the one in your own area or where the business is based?


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You can claim money online here
As for trading standards, report o the branch in the town where the business is based.

What's happened? I'm a nosey ol' boot :)
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I ordered some herbal tablets off a company called Simply Supplements on January 20th and the money was taken from my account the following day.(I have proof on my bank statement).The goods never arrived.I emailed several times and was told the package had gone missing in the post.I waited and still no parcel.I emailed again and they tried to say I hadn't ordered or paid for anything from them..I have every email I exchanged with them and the replies. I finally convinced them I had bought and paid for the goods and they told me they had been out of stock and would send the goods immediately.That was 2 weeks ago and still nothing.I gave them until the end of today to refund my money and they never even acknowledged my email so I want to take them to court.
Warning, you may be throwing good money after bad. I took someone to small claims, won, judge ordered them to payback money + costs, the company closed the next day and reopen under a new title. Despite my time and effort and the law being on my side, I never got a penny.
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Thanks for the help everyone,especially Twenty20 and Buenchico for the links. Hopefully i'll manage to sort this out.Its not the amount of money that matters to me as that is not a great deal in the scheme of things, I just hate being lied to,fobbed off and then ignored by these people. All they had to do was either send me what I paid for or refund my money!!!
Did you send your deadline by registered post? Emails can be lost as can ordinary post.

Thanks for letting the nosey side of me in :)

Did you pay by credit (rather than debit) card? If so, you may be able to get your credit card company involved, as they are jointly liable for non-delivery of the goods under the Consumer Credit Act. The order is supposed to be for a minimum amount for them to be legally responsible (I think it might be �50 or �100), but there is no harm in trying even if it is lower - they can only say no.

If they do get involved, they will normally refund you straight away and chase the company directly for reimbursement.

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