plead not guilty , that means , the "people " you picked up , for �15 ...... will have to turn up to court , as "witnesses" , .. if you plead not guity, "wriiiten evidence " , is probably not enough , for you to be prosecuted " .... meaning at some point , the "witnesses " , the "people " , you picked up, would have to give , "verbal evidence " to the police , for the prosecution , to be "authentic" .... maybe hiring a solicitor , just , to find out where you stand , wouldnt be a bad idea..... ( have you been finger printed/DNA/ photographed ..even if you havent -if you are PROSECUTED , the police are well entitled to put you through this procedure - ) "TOUTING" is a recordable offence ,,,,,the police would have probably advused you that they can prosecute m also for effectively "NOT HAVING HIRE AND REWARD INSURANCE " 6 point on licence - its irrellavant that it was thunder.and raining etc ...... - its possible the "PEOPLE" who offered you �15 were PLAIN CLOTHE POLICE officers ,,,,,,,, it is a possibilty ,,....did this happen areound the LONDON area ,,... CONSULT a solicitor , so he can obtain "DISCLOSURE " ,,,, on the case , meaning he will be able to see what evidence for COURT PROSECUTION , they actaullay have for a case ....... - the case, may even be dropped , but dont bank on it .....