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can anyone help me!!

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laurenm82 | 16:34 Wed 24th Sep 2008 | Law
3 Answers
Hi everyone, One week and a half ago i stopped on some double yellow lines for approx three mins to drop some stock at my sisters shop, while my car was parked with no one in hit someone tried to park in front of me and hit my car. Will it go against me been parked on these yellow lines Thanks in advance


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No, it won't have any effect at all. In fact, unless it was a clearway you are allowed to park on double yellow lines to load/unload and pick up/drop off passengers, so you weren't illegally parked.
and even if you are illegally parked you cannot be at fault if you are not in the car.
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Thanks so much guys for your answears!!!! this has been chewing me to death!!! so its much appreciated thanks x

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