Does anybody know if you have to stop at a give way junction in the UK. All I can find is this quote from wikipedia "Slow down and prepare to stop if necessary - but needn't stop if there is no reason to do so." Can anyone shed any light on this subject. Regards Ben
You MUST stop behind the line at a junction with a �Stop� sign and a solid white line across the road. Wait for a safe gap in the traffic before you move off.
The approach to a junction may have a �Give Way� sign or a triangle marked on the road. You MUST give way to traffic on the main road when emerging from a junction with broken white lines across the road.
If I recall from my learner driver days - you're are supposed to pull on the hand break at a stop sign....... which is defined as stopped.
I would say it's probably dependent on the junction - if the view is wide then there is no reason to stop - but if visability is bad then there would be (the need to pull on hand break would be then personal preference).... I know failure to give way is a fine-able offence (I don't think it's point able where as running the stop sign is!!).