Why was Meechan not charged with obstruction offences' like Maxine Carr for example. Or did the police genuinely believe he knew nothing at all about it?
They say what goes around comes around (Karma)
I hope that the prison officers turn a blind eye and the same goes for that other woman from Haringay. Let's hope that all the other children in the Matthews household are placed with families living in clean and loving homes, and they are NEVER returned to that unfeeling b......tch.She is a disgrace to the human race.
Unfortunately,sub-normals like Matthews will always stay in denial, and will in all probability carve herself a cushy little life for herself in some comfy special unit somewhere for inmates like her. Her tears will flow and she'll be put on tablets but she'll never face up to her responsibility.
Sadly because of the compensation issues these days, the prison dept and their 'Duty of care'will take good care to see she is never done over.