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Cutting my hours

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sals85 | 13:28 Sun 29th Mar 2009 | Law
2 Answers
My husband has recently been told that his shifts will be less due to a close in one of the restaurants he works for, but now for 2 weeks they have given him absolutely no shifts at all, yet others working there have 9 or 10 each a week, this doesnt seem fair and he feels like he is being discriminated against. is there anything he can do?


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I am sure the company can reduce hours of
work . it seems unfair if others are given preference
on the hours.

if you feel that he is been treated unfairly he should
take it up with his manager. if you have no joy
and you feel he i being victimised you should
keep record of how he is being treated which you
can use if he leaves the company ( constructive dismissal)


I am sure the company can reduce hours of
work . it seems unfair if others are given preference
on the hours.

if you feel that he is been treated unfairly he should
take it up with his manager. if you have no joy
and you feel he i being victimised you should
keep record of how he is being treated which you
can use if he leaves the company ( constructive dismissal)

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Cutting my hours

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