If you employed someone to do your gardening and they did the work in the nude (by choice not because you pay them to) would they be in breach of any law?
If the gardener were in your back garden and there were children playing in the next door garden what could be a possible outcome?
I know I sound a bit confused in the question but I just wondered if he was going about his gardening in the nude and the children were able to see him, would he be able to carry on anyway or do you think he would be made (lagaly) to cover up OR is it a case of it's my back yard I can dress (or not) as I se fit?
As far as I was aware you cannot even walk around your house naked if people can see you (via window etc) it's classed as indecent exposure so surely the same would count for your yard/garden?!
Especially if children are in view - that would surely cause even more trouble!
really greedyfly?? .... right, must make a note to oneself ... 'remember to put something on next time im cleaning the windows'... .especially if its the old dears, 3 doors up ...
LOL, OK so it's not indecent exposure in the UK... but would you consider your gardener to be guilty of "aggressive genital exposure with intent to shock those who want not to see the genitals"
I don't think so greedy, the aggresive bit suggests - er - demonstrating the genital area. i think it would be considered bad taste by some. I wouldn't want to see my neighbour's bits in the garden.
I would think most people would take offence if they had children and the man next door was wandering around without his kit on! I for one would report him to the police!
Ta chuck - teach me not to read stuff first then! Cassa there was a programme about an elderly couple whose garden was open to the public and they did all their gardening in the nude http://www.dailymail....ners-open-public.html This is DMail but they do have their own website!