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what are my rights as a 16 year old liveing at home?

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Megyog | 13:15 Fri 03rd Dec 2010 | Law
52 Answers
i am 16 and 17 in feb, my mum keeps getting the police to come and get me when i try to leave home! i have a big file with social services and the police i just want to know even with my vaunrable history can i still leave home without resistance from my mother?


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How would you support yourself if you left home? Do you have a job?
At 16 I believe you can. I suppose it depends on how vulnerable you are to how the police act.

Where would you be going?
I could well be put right on this, but I think you need parental or court permission if you want to leave home before your 18th birthday.
Depends where in the country - here in Scotland you could walk out the door and get married while you are at it at 16 - not sure what the rules is if you are in England
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i would support myself and i already am looking for a job.
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i got told 16 you could walk out the door and be fine to be on your own.
I suppose it depends on how vulnerable you are. Or considered to be..
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can i live in scotland with someone hehe!
But HOW would you support yourself?
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i have had several cases were i have been classed as vulnerable but that was a long time ago.
Why do you have a file with social services? Who are you going to? What grounds do the police have for bringing you back?

For police and social services to be involved, I would imagine the answer is within those questions and you probably know why.
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i have plenty of money in the bank have had a job for the las three years and resently qwit because i was meant to move away from home, but could not move because of my mum and the police
Can I ask what sort of job you have been doing since 13 that meant you had to move away?
Plenty of money?

Do you know the cost of living?
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i have a file with social services because i was in the wrong place at the wrong time i guess, i am going to some family members who are on my dads side but she dont like them.
Hi, yes you can leave home at 16 in England. You can go to your local council and tell them (in the homeless team) what has been happening at home and that you can't return they will find you temporary accommodation until something permanent is worked out. This all sounds very easy pet but it would be much better if you could sort things out with your mum and stay there at least you are safe and warm, do you have a relative you could maybe ask to help you to talk to your mum? Or maybe you could stay with a family member for a few days? Sorry, not much help and I really feel for you, if you do leave home you need to think about how you will pay rent and bills even with a job you will struggle xx
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i have been working in a car machanics for ages, the boss is a friend of the family so i started there on work exsperiance and yes i know the cost of liveing i look after my mum because she is ill, but she treats me like a slave and i am sick of it
plenty of money in bank?

enough to live off of?

Do you know what, i think that it sounds as if someone at least cares where you are and doesnt want you to run away, try and stay at home and sort out your differences.
If you're going to family members I can't see the problem.
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what are my rights as a 16 year old liveing at home?

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