How old do you have to be to smoke? in The AnswerBank: Law
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How old do you have to be to smoke?

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Megyog | 14:52 Tue 07th Dec 2010 | Law
22 Answers
I know you have to be 18 years old to buy tobbaco or ciggis but how old do you acctually have to be to smoke? might be a stupid question but i smoke and i am 16, but have never been told by the police to put a fag out or had them taken off me?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I think, as with drinking, there is no actual age limit to smoking. Again, as with alcohol, it is illegal to buy when you are under 18 and illegal to buy FOR someone under 18 but not illegal to drink it. I've never understood that..........
I think to smoke in public you have to be 16, but I doubt there is a law to restricting anyone smoking in private, at any age.

I remember getting a clip round the ear by our local bobby when I was about 14 (late 70's) and then dragging me home to report me to my Mum.
Ahhh, the good old days.......!
it's illegal to sell to under 18s and the police have a duty to confiscate ciggies from under 16s
Old enough to think you look cool with a lump of dried leaf burning in your face and young enough not to realise that you actually look like an ill informed idiot with more money than sense!
You can still legally smoke from the age of 16 but from 2007 it has been illegal for under 18s to buy tobacco products.
Don't know where you are supposed to get them from ;-)))
It's so funny how 16 year olds make themselves look so much younger and immature by smoking.

Sorry, that doesn't answer your question. I was just agreeing with madmaggot.
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i dont think i look cool! that is stupid i smoke alone it is not a social thing i do like all the other people i know. i smoke alone and find that with EMA i get along qwite nicely in a sence of affording it i dont have to give my EMA to my mum but i give my wages to her instead because she makes me and the story about the local bobby from 36TEAK36 is Very funny and my mum always talks about the good old days and she isnt that old hehe!!! xxxxx
i Megyog,
When I used to foster children going through the criminal justice system ( 10-17 years ) I was surprised at how many parents allowed their children to smoke cigarettes . It was in my interest to find out the answer to your question to protect myself, so posed it to a friendly solicitor. He advised me like the previous posters here that while young people can not buy them legally, there was no legislation regarding them actually smoking ! Absolutely ridiculous !!
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thank you all really helped now i feel ok with sparking up in public hehe!!!!!
Hi Megyog,

I just wished that the bobby thing would have worked and made me give up, but sadly it did not. I am now in my forties and the years of smoking is catching up on me fast. I am that typical bloke you see sitting on a train breathing heavily, or getting out of breath walking up the stairs. If there is one thing in life I could go back and change, it would be to not start smoking.

If I may offer just one piece of advice. GIVE IT UP WHILE YOU STILL CAN, PLEASE!
Please give up. You will really regret it when you get older and find that you look much older than your years because you have wrinkly skin.

Seriously, being old might seem a long way off to you now and smoking related disease won't seem a problem to you now, but think of your future and try to make sure you make the most of your life, for your own sake and for the sake of your future children who will want to have you around.

And what's more you will be better off.
Graham-w - have you got a link to support at please?

there is no legal limit to smoke only buy
You can legally smoke aged 10 if you really want to but you must be 18 to buy them - silly really but there you go
According to this link, the minimum age to smoke has changed from 16 to 18.

From this website

You can legally smoke at 16
but can't legally buy cigarettes, etc. until 18

Pink Kittens. This is from Wiki but seems to be correct.

United Kingdom

It is illegal to sell tobacco to anyone under the age of 18 in England and Wales[20] or in Scotland[21] (increased from 16 on 1 October 2007). Police constables and park keepers in uniform have a duty to confiscate tobacco or cigarettes from persons aged under 16 found smoking in a public place.[22]

The minimum age in Northern Ireland was raised from 16 to 18 in 2008.[23]

that is to SELL them Graham not to smoke
Thew op is asking about the legal age to smoke them
why do you choose to fine yourself at least £5 a day for the rest of your life?

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