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What is the minimum amount of rent...

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ummmm | 22:57 Thu 10th Feb 2011 | Law
41 Answers
That can be charged?

At the moment my cousin lives with my Grandad rent free. He's very poorly at the moment. My Aunty, who deals with all his financial affairs has said that if he passes away she'll have to pay rent. Aunt said at the minimum amount but we don't know what that is.

btw...her paying rent is not an issue...she'd be happy to do so.


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council charge £70 for 1bed flat (new luxury) for my biker. It would be cheaper if he was unemployed.
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Wrong thread I presume???
Did she perhaps mean the minimum that is the going rate for that type of house in the area?

If she ment peppercorn rent of only a few pounds a year then that is to be decided between themselves.

If your grandad passes away then who will own the house? If it will be nan, once he has gone, then she (through your aunt) may be forced to either sell the property or charge the going rent to pay for her own care home fees.

If nan has enough assests to pay for her care then whatever rent is charged is charged.

When grandad goes perhaps your cousin could offer to buy the house at 'family rates'.
not being nosey, but why can't the house be sold? if your grandad passes away, i presume your nan will always not be well enough to live there. There would be nothing stopping whoever has POA from selling the house.
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It will be sold bednobs...but I suppose it all takes time. He has lot's of investments, stocks and shares and various accounts etc etc...

From reading on here even straight forward wills take time....although his actual will is straight forward, Nans situation and his finances aren't.
I could be talking through my hat here but this thought struck me............

If there is rent being paid by a tenant at the house, I wonder whether the sale of the house can be forced, by anyone; i.e. Sitting Tenant.

Perhaps if it is just occupied by a family member there is a mechanism by which the sale could be forced ?
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I'm not sure. It won't get messy or anything. It's Gary's daughter who lives one would want to see her struggle or put pressure on her to find somewhere else. It's just that if he passes she'll have to go from living rent free to then having to pay the billls...and maybe rent as well.
Type Your Answer .. saw the message!
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What message Al?
About your car keys : )
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Guess what... I've gone and friggin lost my door key and I need to go out ASAP :-(((
not a good day :-(
I don't believe you!
If I was working that way .. I'd pop by and break in (or out) for you : )
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I can't lock the door after me...and I can't risk leaving it open.

Fluff...I'm about to break down :-(
HI ummmm...what you would be best doing is look for comparables. Look on and see what similar properties on the same street/area are charging rent for. Then you will be able to get some idea of how much rents are being charged for the property/area. You would also need to factor in how bedrooms it has, garage etc.
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We have an idea of what sort of rent could be charged...but as it's my Grandads house and his grand daughter is living in it just wanted to know if there is a minimum. Could they get away with charging say £5 a week...
I think £5 per week is very good...that's the cheapest rent I've heard of. But when it's family, I suppose...
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It would be great wouldn't it? The rent wouldn't be to make money obviously.
Yes as others have said, if it's a private arrangement then there is no minimum. £5 a week would be acceptable.

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